Every year, many workers are injured because they were struck by a passing motorist. The easiest way to solve this problem is to increase the visibility of an area, and our pop-up safety cones work well for this purpose. Depending on your needs, you can purchase individual cones, or if you need more than one, you can grab a pack of five.
Many dangerous incidents occur during the night, which is when visibility is the lowest. With our high-quality incident cones, you can increase the visibility of an area and warn passing civilians and motorists. These cones work great as traffic safety equipment, and they're commonly used by firefighters and emergency personnel.
In fact, many emergency vehicles are required to be stocked with several large incident cones, and these products are perfect for this requirement. Water tenders, aerials, pumpers and rescues are required to have at least five 28-inch fluorescent traffic cones, and if you need to meet this requirement, we offer a pack of five.